Dnderstanding Die Punch Arrangement Principles

  1. Balancing Punch-Out Force: The arrangement of die punches should aim to distribute the punch-out force evenly. For complex structural areas with high demolding force requirements, it’s essential to increase the number of punches accordingly.
  2. Strategic Placement: Die punches should be strategically positioned in critical areas, including bony regions, column locations, steps, metal inserts, sections with localized adhesive thickness, and other structurally intricate parts. For symmetry, punches on both sides of bony and column areas should maintain a general edge-to-edge spacing of D=1.5mm. Additionally, effort should be made to align the centerline of punches with the center of column positions.
  3. Avoidance of Obstacles: Avoid placing punches across steps or on inclined surfaces. The punch faces should be as smooth as possible, and punches should be placed in areas where the structural components provide strong support.
  4. Special Consideration for Deep Sections: In deep bony areas (depth ≥ 20mm) or when placing round punches is challenging, consider using flat punches. When using flat punches, prefer insert-type punches for easier processing.
  5. Punch Material Selection: Refrain from using pointed or thin steel punches, especially when the punch face must not touch the front mold surface.
  6. Spacing for Water Channels: When arranging punches, consider the spacing between punches and the water channels to prevent interference with water channel processing and potential water leakage.
  7. Ventilation: Ensure punches have an exhaust function to facilitate proper venting during demolding. Place punches in areas prone to vacuum formation.
  8. Aesthetic Parts: For parts with specific aesthetic requirements, avoid placing punches on visible surfaces and explore alternative demolding methods.
  9. Transparency Consideration: In the case of transparent parts, avoid positioning punches in areas where transparency needs to be maintained.

Die Punch Selection Guidelines

  1. Larger Diameter Preference: Prioritize punches with larger diameters, as long as there is ample punch-out space available.
  2. Simplify Size Specifications: When selecting punches, aim to minimize the variety of punch specifications. Adjust punch sizes to adhere to preferred size series while meeting project requirements.
  3. Strength Requirements: Ensure selected punches meet the necessary punching strength. To prevent bending and deformation of small punches (diameter < 2.5mm), support them with backing punches.

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